Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cutie Pie

These pics are from a session with this 6 month old. What a sweetie!

I have been busy with busy I haven't been taking time to post! I need to get some wedding pictures posted for you all to see too.

Rain, Rain, Rain. We need some sunny weather but it doesn't look like we will get it just yet. I am complaining about a little bit of water coming in a couple places in the basement causing a minumim of problems....we had to soak it up with some towels and started running fans on it...and there is a lot of dampness in general. We also had to buy a new dehumidifier as ours had quit working. However, these problems are totally insignificant in comparison to all that some people are going thru with flooding! Once again I am thankful to live on a hill far away from any major rivers!!! Sounds like more rain and storms tonight and tomorrow. We just aren't getting any breaks.

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