Monday, May 20, 2013's what's happening!

The theme of our blog circle this month is "Life"....well, it's been happening and getting in the way of this blog post! I am just going to do a quick post as I am off to visit my son in Minnesota for a couple days.

I have been loving these warm summer like mornings on the porch with my cup of coffee....In the perfect life,  I would be relaxing in the warm sunshine every morning!!

 While I am there, I am currently enjoying the scent of lilacs and lily of the valley, as well as this beautiful view!

Then it's back to the reality of the day in my home office, but that's not all bad as I love my work as a photographer and the freedom of being self employed! Stop by and visit my friend, Lynnea and see what "Life" is to her!


Tessa said...

Love your country photos! Lily of the Valley is one of my all time favorite flowers!

Lisa McConnell said...

Great photos! I've been wanting to get a mug like that too! It would go good with my hammock!!

Lynnea said...

Gorgeous spot you have there...I want to come & visit you too!

Unknown said...

What a cozy place to live and work! And I'm with Lisa, I need that coffee cup! :D